

Face yoga is the beauty trend of the moment and a natural way to smooth wrinkles, firm jawlines and create a healthy, youthful glow. All you need to do is follow a series of specially designed facial poses.

Just like yoga is a complete form of exercise for the body, promoting cardiovascular health and invigorating the musculoskeletal system while reducing stress, Face Yoga is one of the most natural and effective anti-ageing methods, that its devotees claim it can knock up to five years off your face!

Face Yoga is a holistic method –a huge trend in England and the States– that incorporates an integrated combination of yoga exercises, massage and relaxation techniques exclusively designed for the face and neck. It can yield results almost immediately: in just seven days, the signs of ageing are reduced. So, if you’ve noticed the first signs of ageing on your face or if your wrinkles have become deeper, Botox may not be the only solution. Why not consider a more natural, less invasive way to deal with them? With Face Yoga, in 6-8 weeks, you’ll look and feel younger!

First step: the exercises. Like our body needs exercise to maintain its vigour, so the 57 muscles of the face and neck need a frequent workout to keep in good condition.  As the muscles strengthen, the skin over them becomes firmer, elasticity returns and wrinkles  are smoothed out. And because these specific muscles are much smaller and thinner, they exercise easier.

Second phase: the massage that enhances blood circulation, stimulates the lymph, increases the production of collagen and elastin and removes toxins. This way, dark circles are minimized, while puffiness and dullness disappear leaving the skin glowing, more youthful and healthy.

The third step: acupressure, an ancient method applied to specific points on the face and neck, increasing the flow of energy in the face, reducing tension and giving a healthy glow. Finally, the use of relaxation techniques helps smooth lines and wrinkles usually caused by stress.

Never forget the general rule: maintaining our beauty and health is a matter of holistic approach. When we spend time on ourselves, mind our diet, work out and express our feelings, we achieve harmony between spirit and body. And this balance is reflected on our face.


Vasiliki Papageorgiou

the CODE Magazine | Archive

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